Tuesday, May 23, 2006


Well... This is my first ever blog...! Something I was planning of doing from long time.... So I was thinking to myself... what my first blog is going to be? what should I write to start with? Whose going to read it anyway! And there was my first topic!

I am not a very great "Reader" myself. I hardly read news paper... may be once a week. Only reading I do is my emails... official+friends, News Channel tickers, Orkut scraps and yes.. the Problem tickets I get during my every day work! I have read only 3 "non-study" books in my whole life!! Yes... thats true!!!

So what I haven't read many books... ?? Infact...whats the big deal??

I am a strong beliver of the fact that Television is very good medium... and something that can be alternative to books. You have history, Fiction, romance, comedy, investigations, Mystries, biograpgies... You have everything. You don't have to read your way out through font size 6. You can do 2 things at same time... listen and watch!

Really don't understand... I guess one of these days, I have to read some book and find out my self whats noise is all about!!