Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Testing iPhone

Testing the new Blogger App designed for iPhone!

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Monday, November 03, 2008

Railway Jobs

Excerpt from an email I received recently


Since Independence India's States were formed on the Basis of the Local Languages. Logical Since 1976, The employment criteria of the Central Recruitment Board was divided into zones as per the General People of India. This division was based on the Local Language of the States.

Zone-A: Bihar, Haryana, HP, MP, Rajasthan, UP, Andaman, Delhi formed the Hindi Speaking Zone.

Zone-B: Maharashtra, Gujarat, Punjab & Chandigad, the Non Hindi Speaking Zone.

Zone-C: Southern India States like Kerala, Karnataka, etc. & North Eastern States like Assam, Mizoram, Bengal etc.

The Central Employment Rule said that 'All Exams for Employments in the respective Zones shall be Held in the Respective States Only.' So that the Local People may get the Jobs in their Home Town. Very Logical. For 30 Years everything was going Fine.

But since 1987, there was a Minor Change in the Rule 9 Part 9.2.2, for Zone -B Jobs. And this was made a Rule since 1988. This change was that 'As an optional Language of employment, People of Zone-A can Apply for Jobs in Zone-B.' This opened up doors of Employment for All Zone-A aspirants in Zone-B areas.

But with this Clause there was a Sub-Clause, stating ' The Notice of Jobs in Zone-B areas for Zone-A aspirants, May be given in Zone-A Areas only.' Because of this, Recruitment Notices for Jobs in Maharashtra, etc. are Displayed Only in states like UP, Bihar, Rajasthan, etc. But these Notices are Seldom displayed in Newspapers of Maharashtra, etc.

Many Parties over these years Requested the Central Recruitment Board to Cancel this Clause. But this was Not done.


As a result of above, for the Railways jobs in MH, Thousands of unemployed youth came from Zone-A areas.

For last 15 years, Railways has been run by leaders from UP and Bihar, people like Nitish Kumar, Ram Vilas Paswan and Lalu Prasad Yadav, which shows why there is a lack of importance and resistance for changing the Central Recruitment Board's rules.

When in Mumbai, just have a look around on Railway stations, Booking Clerks, Railway Police, TCs, everywhere you can only see Yadav's, Sing's, Ramprasad's, you would not find a single local, Maharashtrian person.

This must Change! If not by Raj Thakrey's  way, then some other way, but it MUST change!

Friday, October 31, 2008

काही Definitions

बहुमत - "मै देश की बहू हू" अस म्हणुन जे भरपुर मत मिळवतात त्याला बहुमत म्हणतात.

नेता - जो निवडणूकीच्या वेळी येता जाता दिसतो आणि निवडणूकीनंतर खाता पीता दिसतो तो नेता.